The End Of The World's Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 163 - Volume 2 Chapter 57 Awkward Incident

Xiao Baozi almost jumped up, his eyes were like a bull’s eye. His eyeballs turned quickly, then he rolled over on the bed: “Ma Ma, baby’s stomach hurts......”

Shao Qing immediately didn’t have thoughts to go search where the scent came from in the water, and she quickly rubbed her son’s stomach. Qin Zixi held Yaya, and raised his eyebrows: “Did you eat the wrong thing, stomachache?”

Others didn’t know, but Shao Qing is very clear that Xiao Baozi is half human and half zombie. How easy was it to get a stomachache?

She rubbed Xiao Baozi’s stomach. Then the fishy incidents seemed to connect in an instant in her mind. In fact, she discovered something was wrong early on. But she was a mother. When your own child is sick, one’s mind becomes confused. Thus, she never found the clumsy lies of Xiao Baozi.

It was not until Qin Zixi spoke that Shao Qing suddenly realized. She looked at Xiao Baozi and Qin Zixi, and then whispered: “Xiao Xi, can I trouble you to get some hot water? I want to give my baby a hot water bag.”

Qin Zixi nodded. He put Yaya on the bed, and then went out.

Xiao Baozi was keenly aware of what was wrong, and he held his quilt very anxiously. Shao Qing did not speak. She looked at him quietly, until Xiao Baozi curled up again, and looked up at Shao Qing guiltily. Then she asked: “Stomach hurts?”

Xiao Baozi nodded and shook his head quietly. The pitiful appearance was very distressing. Shao Qing resisted the distress in her heart, crouched down, and asked him in a low voice: “What is in the water?”

Xiao Baozi trembled and tucked himself into the quilt. Shao Qing poked him and asked again,”What’s in the water?”

Xiao Baozi kept pushing himself into the quilt. He refused to raise his head until Shao Qing asked the third time: “What’s in the water?”

Xiao Baozi raised his head and his eyes were red. Then with a choking noise, he said, “Cooked rice....”

“What kind of cooked rice?” Shao Qing hardened her heart and continued to ask. Xiao Baozi replied, “The cooked rice...” then he began crying: “baby doesn’t want brother Xiao Xi to leave. I don’t want to be separated from brother Xiao Xi. I want to be a brother in Xiao Xi’s family, I want raw rice to become cooked rice. Then, brother Xiao Xi won’t leave.....”

Shao Qing’s mouth twitched. Now, she really understood the cooking rice that Xiao Baozi was speaking about. She was actually very angry because Xiao Baozi concealed everything he did, and was scheming against her which made her sad.

She gave up her life and the son she gave birth to, the son she raised, schemed behind her back. Her heart not only felt cold, but also a little painful.

But watching Xiao Baozi cry was heartbreaking. Shao Qing began to think about her own problems in reverse. Did she do something wrong? She thought that she protected Xiao Baozi well, and thought that Xiao Baozi would grow up healthily and happily. Yet, she ignored the fact that he was a child and what a child needs is a childhood.

However, Xiao Baozi followed her around everywhere. Especially during the apocalypse, running around, living with no fixed place, constantly in a crisis, they were wandering on the verge of life and death every day.

He had no toys, no friends, no playmates, but he was clever and sensible. He had never asked her for anything or made any demands.

His only friend was a rabbit, so he has always been very good to Yaya. When he got Yaya, he acted as if he gained the most precious treasure.

Did she do something wrong? So Xiao Baozi was not truly happy at all?

Seeing Xiao Baozi crying so sadly, Shao Qing was also very distressed. She pursed her lips, but didn’t know what to do. Keep Qin Zixi? No, Qin Zixi has his own family, his own loved ones, he is going to go back after all.

Shao Qing was upset and didn’t say a word, but Xiao Baozi misunderstood. He thought Shao Qing was angry and did not want him. At that time, he didn’t even dare to cry. He took mini gasps of air, his nose and eyes were red. Although no tears came out, it looked very pitiful.

When Shao Qing lowered her head, she saw that Xiao Baozi was sticking out his round and tender butt, with a pitiful expression of “Ma Ma please don’t abandon me”. With his small round nose and eyes that were both red, she suddenly laughed and kissed him on the nose: “It was Mama’s fault for not considering your feelings. Do you like Xiao Xi?”

After hesitating for a long time, afraid of his mother’s anger, but not wanting to go against his own thoughts since he really liked Brother Xiao Xi, he finally nodded slightly. Then he threw himself up and hugged Shao Qing’s neck: “Don’t abandon baby, baby will be good. I won’t do bad things anymore, don’t give baby to others...”

“Never.” Shao Qing held Xiao Baozi’s pitiful little face, then she kissed it several times, and said very seriously: “Baby, this time it was mother’s fault, but you are also wrong. First, don’t give medicine to others casually in the future, this is wrong. Okay? Second, no matter what you do, you have to ask for people’s thoughts and not force others to do something compulsively. Just like this time, if your mother didn’t find out your small trick, I will be sad. Because mother trusts you, that is why I will only be fooled by you. Your brother Xiao Xi will be sad too because if you do this, it is a betrayal for him. Then neither of us will like you anymore, okay?”

Xiao Baozi nodded quickly, and grievously twisted about: “Baby knows that he is wrong, and it won’t happen again. But Ma Ma, I really like Brother Xiao Xi... baby wants to play with Brother Xiao Xi all the time. I want to live with Brother Xiaoxi and don’t want Brother Xiaoxi to go back.”

“When I send Xiao Xi back to Jing Du, and then come back to dispose of things in S city, I will discuss with Panpan. In the future, we can settle down in Jing Du. Then if you ever are free, you can go to brother Xiao Xi’s door, okay?” Shao Qing rubbed Xiao Baozi’s cheek.

Xiao Baozi quickly nodded and wriggled in Shao Qing’s arms. He was still young, and his thoughts and views were all in a state of development. Everything he learned was completely dependent on what he heard and saw.

However, none of the people around him were virtuous people. Just randomly selecting one, they would all be on the same level as devils, like Yan Qiyue or Shao Qing. Even Gu Panpan and the rest were decisive murderers.

Therefore, Xiao Baozi’s character was independent and decisive, but he was too independent and decisive. Moreover with no proper guidance, he wouldn’t know what is right or wrong.

Fortunately, Shao Qing discovered this in time. Otherwise, after a few years, a little devil might be born.

Furthermore, Xiao Baozi’s ability is good, but there are too many strong people around him. Thus, he only needed to enjoy being protected. Without the factor of Shao Qing deliberately protecting him as well, Xiao Baozi could have been a very outstanding superhuman.

His swallowing ability was effective for humans, zombies, and mutant animals. As long as they do not exceed his strength, as long as he touched them, he would be able to swallow them down until nothing was left.

Moreover, the energy he swallowed, only part of it can be digested. The remaining part, although it must be discharged, can be used as energy for his attack.

That was a scary thought.

Finally, Qin Zixi came in to appease Xiao Baozi. He carried the kettle and asked softly, “Where is the warm water bag?”

To be honest, Shao Qing was actually a bit embarrassed, especially knowing that her son wanted her and Qin Zixi to turn raw rice to cooked rice.

But now was not the time for embarrassment, she needed to lie for Xiao Baozi. So she found a warm water bag, flushed it with water, placed it on Xiao Baozi and gave him a wink.

Xiao Baozi realized in an instant and hugged the warm water bag quickly. He looked at Qin Zixi with an embarrassed and guilty conscience. After Qin Zixi put the kettle down, he also sat awkwardly and his gaze turned towards the cup on the table. Shao Qing immediately felt more embarrassed. Qin Zixi clearly heard her conversation with Xiao Baozi. Although she didn’t know how much he heard, he obviously knew what Xiao Baozi did. Otherwise it wouldn’t be so awkward.

The atmosphere in the whole space was embarrassing to death. Fortunately, the group who went out to hunt came back. The three of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief and ended the embarrassing atmosphere.

The main chef was still Yan Hanqing, with Shao Qing being second. Gu Panpan and the other girls were responsible for washing and cutting vegetables.

The men were responsible for handling prey. They caught a lot of prey, including a lot of fish. Crucian carp can be used for soup or for sweet and sour fish. The smaller ones can be directly fried.

In brief, their lunch at noon was especially rich. Everyone was very happy to eat.

After eating, Shao Qing poked Xiao Baozi. Xiao Baozi embarrassedly held Yaya and secretly followed Qin Zixi, preparing to apologize.

Shao Qing was afraid that Xiao Baozi would lose his hard-won friend because he did one wrong thing, so she urged him to apologize.

Although what Xiao Baozi did this time was overboard, Shao Qing believed that as long as he sincerely apologized, Qin Zixi would forgive him.

Then Shao Qing went back to her house. Once back, Shao Qing was stunned because Yan Qiyue was sitting at the table drinking water......

She really wanted to curse herself at the time. At that time because the atmosphere was too embarrassing, when everyone got back, Shao Qing was relieved and forgot about the medicine Xiao Baozi had made...

So ... Yan Qiyue drank the water that was mixed with medicine...

Yan Qiyue saw Shao Qing coming back and put it down. He licked the corner of his mouth, and said, “Where did this water come from? It’s a little sweeter than normal well water and river water. Do you want to pack more to prepare when there is no water in the future?”

Shao Qing: .......

She didn’t know what expression to use to face Yan Qiyue. She ignored him directly, and then opened the kettle. Unsurprisingly, there was a small red flower in the kettle, floating in the water.

Originally, the flower had dried up. At this moment though, because it was filled with water, the petals were rehydrated and were floating up and down looking pretty.

However, this cannot change the fact that it was an aphrodisiac flower.

In other words, Yan Qiyue was affected.

Shao Qing wanted to scratch her head. After Yan Qiyue got affected, she definitely would be used as the antidote. Otherwise, with Yan Qiyue’s temper, even if he was stifled, he would never go to other women.

Shao Qing was irritable to death. In the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw the gleam in Yan Qiyue’s eyes. She suddenly thought of a point, what does Yan Qiyue do? He is engaged in research. He has profound research on mutant plants, mutant animals, superhumans, and zombies.

How could he not know there are problems with the water? Even if he didn’t discover it when he poured it out, won’t he know after drinking it? How could he relish that the water was really sweet and tell her that.

How did that saying go? The more you want to cover up, the easier it is to expose. This is clearly a cover up making it more conspicuous A clever person becoming a victim of their own ingenuity.

After understanding this, Shao Qing was no longer irritable. She clapped her hands and looked at Yan Qiyue with a smile, and said: “If you like it, you can take the whole pot and drink it.”

Yan Qiyue was dumbfounded at the time. The script was not written like this! It’s completely different from what he imagined.....

In fact, he felt a little wrong when he entered the house, but he didn’t think much about it. After all, it’s no different from being in his own home. If you still need all kinds of precautions in your own home, then there would be no purpose in living.

Then he sat down, poured a glass of water. It was when the glass was resting on his lips did he find that something was wrong. There was something wrong with the water.

Yan Qiyue’s research on various mutated plants can be said to be very profound. He smelled it carefully and found that the water had an aphrodisiac taste. At that time, he was about to flip out. In Shao Qing’s house, he found an aphrodisiac water, what else did he need to say?

Someone must have tried to drug Shao Qing!

How can this be tolerated? This is unbearable!

However, Yan Qiyue had many thoughts in his mind and he quickly took something into consideration. Depending on the situation, Shao Qing should not have fallen into the trick yet, otherwise, it would have happened earlier. That is to say, he was the first person to encounter this glass of water.

That’s easy to handle, he can drink the water completely. Then ... meow haha. Maybe Shao Qing will fall into his hands.

To be honest, after abandoning everything and following Shao Qing to the survivor base in S City, Yan Qiyue became less and less confident. There were just too many competitors and threats everywhere. He had thought he was a very outstanding man, but no one around Shao Qing was worse than him.

In fact, this isn’t the first time he has confessed to Shao Qing. Yet, he still did not get any response, no wonder he lost his confidence.

Imagine. A woman surrounded by outstanding men, and no one was worse than him, and he also has that discriminated indescribable fetish, that is to say, he has actually lost at the starting line.

It would be strange for him to be confident.

This time was an opportunity. Yan Qiyue knew for sure that if he really took the medicine, Shao Qing would never just ignore him. As long as they started a relationship again, Shao Qing would accept him to take responsibility. Then, when he talked with Shao Qing again, he would be close to victory.

This was probably his only chance, and this chance was tempting. Yan Qiyue held the glass of water for half an hour, hesitant sweat dripped down his forehead.

In the end, he gave up.

Yan Qiyue was a very proud person. This pride was not only manifested in his style of work, but also written in his bones. He knew that even if he relies on these dirty tactics to be with Shao Qing, Shao Qing’s heart would only be filled with gaps and regrets.

That was what he disdained to do. Even in the end, if Shao Qing refused to accept him, he could not do such a thing.

However, Yan Qiyue still drank a bit. Not much, just enough for him to feel like that for a little bit. Then when Yan Qiyue sat down, Shao Qing arrived. He wanted to seize this opportunity to act coquettishly, to flirt and get some benefits. Maybe he could get Shao Qing’s loving touch ... cough, and increase their feelings.

Yet, Shao Qing didn’t play cards according to common sense! When he came up, she knocked him down. Yan Qiyue wanted to cry. What about some loving care? What about some loving inquiry? What about some loving touch? Where did it all go!

Yan Qiyue was very wronged and he clamped his thigh together. He felt that Shao Qing was too ruthless, unreasonable, whatever the case she should still ask how he was!

Shao Qing’s mood was much better after teasing him, so she took a step forward and kicked his foot: “How much did you drink?”

Yan Qiyue replied honestly: “Just a sip ...”

“Go and wash yourself with a cold bath and let yourself suffer.” Shao Qing rolled her eyes, and then asked: “Have you had any stomach aches recently?”

“Occasionally, it still hurts.” Yan Qiyue originally wanted to say no pain, but taking a look at Shao Qing’s attitude that has softened a lot, he quickly hit the snake with the stick, ready to act spoiled.

Halfway through being coquettish, he felt that he was on the verge of collapse. The effect of the medicine was stronger than he had imagined. Although he only took a sip, he was now hot and ready to go, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Shao Qing also discovered this. She sighed, raised her foot, and stepped on the target of her bullseye. Her voice became colder: “Do you know what you did wrong?”

Yan Qiyue’s entire body shook at that time. Reflexively straightening his spine, he wanted to cover the key part with his hand.

Shao Qing had an extra vine whip in her hand, and she tapped Yan Qiyue’s hand with her whip shaft, and then said, “Put your hand behind your back.”

Yan Qiyue swallowed quietly and put his hand behind his back, to accept gentle punishment.

Saying it was punishment, but in fact, for him, it was more like a reward. When Er Dai opened the door with a plate of dried fruit, he saw Yan Qiyue lying on the table, the fringes of his hair wet with sweat.

Shao Qing felt embarrassed as soon as she saw Er Dai. She kicked Yan Qiyue’s ass, and then said: “Go wash up, don’t use cold water, it’s bad for your body.”

Yan Qiyue was still very happy. Yes, although Shao Qing had asked him to take a cold shower to solve this serious problem, she still truly cared for him and helped him use another method to solve the problem.

Does this mean that Shao Qing still has him in his heart?

Although Shao Qing did not accept him, Shao Qing also did not accept the others! No news was the best news. Sincerity is the golden stone. He believed that as long as he was sincere and patient enough, Shao Qing would accept him one day.

Dripping water can wear down stones. The human heart is made of flesh. As long as he keeps giving, grinding her down with true affection, sooner or later he can enter Shao Qing’s heart.

Maybe he already held a position in Shao Qing’s heart?

Although he did not want Shao Qing and Er Dai staying alone, Yan Qiyue also knew what was going too far.

So he sorted out his clothes and got ready to go out. Then Yan Qiyue saw Er Dai take a strange and complicated look at his ... crotch.

What’s so good about a man’s crotch!

Yan Qiyue was a little puzzled and went straight out. Now it was noon. Several people were still packing up outside. Those pots and pans all needed to be packed up. As soon as Yan Qiyue went out, someone greeted him. After greeting, when they saw a part of him they began to smile secretly.

Yan Qiyue was even more puzzled until he returned to his tent, then found a mirror and took a look, only to find out what the problem was. Below his waist and above his legs, there was a footprint. Of course, this was not the most critical point. The most important thing was that the fabric of the footprint was all wet. It looked like he had urinated in his pants.

Yan Qiyue: ......

I don’t want to live! Sooo embarrassing!

Waahhhh, Shao Qing did not remind him QAQ

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