Re: The Villainess Does It With Class

Chapter 6 - The Lion, The Bi-tch, And Her Wardrobe

"You all might be wondering why I have called you here today."

The girls stood there in a line and waited for whatever I was going to say. The one with the red hair looked extra nervous and was constantly swallowing. The others didn\'t react that much and remained silent as a board.

I looked at them and gave out a wry smile. I may look very confident in their eyes but I was intensely screaming inside.

Why the heck did I say those corny lines!

I was just trying to lighten up the mood but then I remembered, I\'m on a different plane. They won\'t understand my badass monologue which I had picked up from a movie.

I looked sideways at Erin who is standing next to me, and saw, that she as well, was also waiting for my epic announcement. I became more embarrassed and was currently bathing in a cold sweat..

I cleared my throat and Amaryllis flinched. She\'s that nervous huh…

"I am sorry," I uttered in my most sincere tone and looked at them, one by one.

Marigold, the tallest among them looked confused. Her hair appeared to be like molten gold of threads and are tied into a high ponytail. She could seriously pass as a model if she were in my world.

Freesia was neither shocked nor confused and just seemed totally unperturbed. Her doll-like features really brought out her cold aura. She has short lavender hair, just like what Erin told me.

The most fidgety out of the four was Amaryllis, who has the look of utter astonishment painted on her face. If I wasn\'t being serious, I would laugh at how bewildered she looked. Like she could not believe what just came out of my mouth.

I should probably get used to this look…

Her wild curly mane of red hair was tied into two pigtails. My eyes caught sight of the tiny freckles on her cheeks and nose. Like someone sprinkled pixie dust on her which made her looked adorable!

The last one was Lily, with hair as black as midnight, looked doubtful. I could honestly read what was going on in her mind.

She\'s probably thinking what am I up to.

Her hazel eyes were calculating as she stared at me, looking for some loopholes.

Sorry but, I was honestly being sincere.

Heaving a sigh, I straightened my back to appear more earnest.

"I apologized for my rude behavior these past few years. I am aware that what I did, not just to you, but to everyone I had slighted, was unforgivable. I reflected on my actions and I admit my faults. Please accept my sincere apology." I expressed and leaned my upper body forward in a bow.

"M-milady!" Erin exclaimed at the side when she saw what I did and rushed to me at once.

I didn\'t budge even when she was trying to stop me from bowing. I won\'t move until I hear their answers.


I wasn\'t able to see their reactions but that\'s definitely Amaryllis, right?

There was a short silence, and that short moment was nerve-wracking. It felt like forever even though only a couple of seconds had passed before they finally replied.

"Young Miss shouldn\'t bow to us servants. We already accept the young Miss\'s apology, please raise your head…" A voice said.

I wonder who said that?

Erin supported me as I straightened my posture and looked at the girls once again. Marigold was smiling when I glanced at her and immediately concluded that it was she who responded.

Freesia, the cool beauty, looked really troubled but still remained silent as usual. Lily was still a bit doubtful but also didn\'t say anything. The one who was really freaking out was the cute Amaryllis.

"Thank you for forgiving me. I\'ll be in your care from now on." I beamed.

The four looked taken aback for a moment after seeing me smiling but only Marigold returned it.

We were silent for a while and it felt a little awkward. Good thing Marigold knows what to do in situations like these.

"Do you need our help for anything, milady? Or do you want to go somewhere?"

I thankfully glanced at her and sighed.

"Actually, there\'s another reason why I called you. I want to give you something but I don\'t know what you like…"

Erin cast me an inquiring look. I have thought about it last night and while I was dressing up. I was pondering what to give them as like, a token of apology or something and was stressing out. I could have asked Erin, was going to, but then I saw my walk-in closet and got an idea.

Nadia has a lot, and I mean, a LOT of dresses. There\'s like a hundred of them in my eyes. There\'s a dress for every single day that could last me 3 months without repeating a single thing.

That\'s crazy! Is she some dress addict? Who would need this amount of dress?

So I thought, what if I let them have whatever they find fancy in here? I will give it to them as a gift and I\'ll get to rid of these unnecessary dresses that I might never wear for a lifetime. That\'s killing two birds with one stone.

It\'s also clear that Nadia\'s taste in dresses is way different from mine. While she likes them looking very expensive with lots of precious stones and kinds of stuff, also those with obnoxious skirts that are as big as a whale. I like mine looking neat and elegant.

She truly likes her dresses in a way that she could flaunt money.

"Follow me…" I said and went inside the closet.

They all followed behind and after getting inside, stood still and waited for my instructions.

"Pick some dresses which you think is pretty. You could choose as many as you want." I glanced at Erin. "You too."

Erin looked at me for a moment then obeyed my order. She joined the four girls in choosing dresses and I stood there at the side, watching them.

I wasn\'t bored at all, because Erin and Amy, I\'m calling her Amy now since her name is too long, joined hands. They kept on whispering to each other and we\'re animatedly kept on comparing things.

Freesia and Lily, on the other hand, were both resolutely looking for clothes. Both of their eyes were hard in concentration. Mari, however, was taking her time. She would occasionally pick a dress, examine it for a bit, and would nod if it looks on par with her taste.

After some time, they were all done choosing and were now back with clothes on their arms. The five of them lined up in a straight line, facing me.

I glanced at the dresses in their arms and smiled at them.

"They\'re all yours now."

Five pairs of eyes widened at the same time and stared back at me in befuddlement.



"? ? ? ! "



They all wore a look of utter shock, some of them have their foreheads creasing as if in question.

"You don\'t like it?"

"M-milady! Why would we dare to covet your dresses! T-these--" Erin blabbered.

"It\'s not mine. I gave them to you, so it\'s already yours." I stated.

Mari and the others still looked unconvinced, so I heaved a sigh.

"Those are my gifts to you as a token of my apology. I have never worn any of these dresses so I thought it\'s fine to give it, is it not to your liking?"

What if they got offended because it looked like I\'m giving them something I don\'t like anymore on a whim? Though it\'s not what I had in mind, I might\'ve done that without my knowledge.

There was silence again. Them, not saying anything, made me assume that they might not have liked what I did after all. I got sad because of that.

Ahh, are these futile?

Seeing my crestfallen face, Mari immediately spoke up.

"Thank you milady." She uttered in a sincere voice and gave me a warm smile.

Hearing Marigold, the other three who were full of doubts echoed their thanks. Erin looked so touched that she became teary-eyed and thanked me as well.

One at a time. I\'ll gain their trust one step at a time. There\'s no rush…

I spent most of the day trying to spark a conversation with them, asking them questions from time to time. Mari and Erin were the ones who answered the most while the other three either answered monotonously or panicky.

I was still glad because, at the least, I have tried to get closer with them even just for a tiny tiny bit.

We were making our way to the rose garden when we suddenly met two men on the way.

One was older but still looked handsome. He has blonde hair, wrinkled pale red eyes, and looks dignified. That must be the Marquis.

The other was already familiar, for I have met him once before. It was Nathaniel, my "brother".

The two stopped in front of me who was already waiting for them to get closer.

"Good day, father, brother." I greeted and curtsied.

I sometimes get amazed with myself as to how refined I act in some situations. Just like today, that was a perfect curtsy!

The Marquis looked taken aback but he smiled eventually. Nathaniel, as usual, looked at me in disdain. How nostalgic huh…

"Are you well?" The Marquis asked with concern.

I smiled at him and nodded.

"I am perfectly healthy! Father doesn\'t need to worry anymore."

I don\'t know why but, calling him father comes so naturally to me. Maybe it\'s because of this body, but I don\'t feel awkward at all.

I have never called my father, father before. I have never even spoken to him and don\'t even know what he looks like. I just know that he goes home, and leaves home. Sometimes, he and mother would get into a verbal fight.

"Good, good. Do you want something?"

Nathaniel snorted at the side but I ignored him. He just had something to say though.

"So it\'s another ploy huh…"

"No father, I have everything I need for the moment. Thank you nevertheless." I replied, still wearing the same smile.


What\'s his problem? This guy, seriously…

The Marquis looked quite shocked for a second but offered a warm smile to me again.

"Just tell me if you need anything."

What a doting father…

I bade them goodbye and continued our way to the garden, aware that the two were still watching me.

As I entered the rose garden, I stopped and looked back and saw their retreating figures.

I had finally met the lion.

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